Great events happen with great volunteers!
There are so many things that one can do to help out — from handing out posters on your block to sharing the cook-off website and social media posts with your friends — no help is too small! These may seem like small things, but like the small amounts of colour on an artist’s palette, tiny things can add up to create one fabulous masterpiece!
Volunteer opportunities are available for students and adults! Feel free to sign up for more than one shift or invite a friend to help together! **If a student wants to sign up but all the student roles are filled, please email us, and we will find a role for you!**
If you are interested in collaborating or participating in 2025, please email us: highlandsparentsociety@gmail.com
These events wouldn’t happen without our many volunteers – and we have many of them – a deep, heartfelt thank you from the Highlands Parent Society for everyone who takes the time to read, help, share and participate.